Thursday, August 18, 2011


Today I decided that I needed to sit down and get organized. I have ONE semester of school left before I student teach. I am starting to feel a bit overwhelmed... There is so much to be done in order to make this happen, and I'm starting to feel a little swamped.

I work at a high school, and school starts for the kids on September 6th. My trainings start next week already. My own classes start next Tuesday, and I am going to be busy with a capital "B"! I decided to start making lists-one of my favorite things to do!  If I didn't, my life would be in even more chaos than it currently is.

This is pretty much what my "To-Do" list looks like, minus Court ; )

I wish this is what it looked like instead:

In addition to lists, I love planners. I found these cute planners at Target- one of my favorite places ever.
And I definitely needed these words of encouragement today. Thanks Pinterest!

Hope you are all having a wonderful, stress-free Thursday! ; )

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