Tuesday, October 4, 2011

A pleasant surprise!

Oh my goodness- Thank you Victoria for awarding me with this! How sweet of you! I am honored and truly appreciate your thoughtfulness!

The Rules:
  • Thank the person who gave you the award and link back to them....(Done! Thanks again, Victoria!)
  • Share 7 things about yourself
  • Pass the award along to 15 blogs that were recently discovered by you
7 Facts:
  1. I love to dance! I took lessons for 15 years and I miss it like crazy
  2. I am slightly obsessed with Christmas/The Christmas season. I put up my decorations mid-November and start listening to strictly Christmas music shortly thereafter
  3. I LOVE coffee, but only with lots of creamer and sugar in it
  4. I LOVE 80's music- especially Guns N Roses, Madonna, and Michael Jackson
  5. I own all of the seasons of "Friends" on DVD
  6. I am kind of messy. Kind of really messy...
  7. I am a wino...
So, now is the really fun part: I get to pick 15 blogs that I adore, and give them an award. So here are 15 of my favorites...


Victoria said...

i am a FRIENDS fantatic,too!! i own them all, even the special "finale" episode dvd.

glad i could make your day, it made mine to receive the award so i am glad i could pass the happiness on :)

Anonymous said...

Good to see a blog from you!! How is the school season treating you?

The only way i drink my coffee is with more cream than coffee! LOL

Ma Belle La Vie said...

@Victoria- I could literally watch that show everyday. I never get sick of it! I still get teary eyed when I watch the finale... =)

@ Meggie- thank you! I have been insanely busy, and am so sad that I'm having a hard time keeping up with my blog! That's a post in itself... That's def how I drink my coffee, too! So good to hear from ya lady!

Jennʻs Adventureʻs said...

WOOOOOOOOO!!! I love blogger awards -- thank you soooOooOooo much for thinking of me!!! I Luuuuuuurve coffee and friends, too!

Liz Taylor said...

You rock girl, I have loved reading your blog since I start blogging in July.

Nali said...

Awww, thanks so much! I'll make sure to give you a shout out in an upcoming post :)

Ashlee said...

Yay, thanks for including me! I am enjoying your blog--I would have included you in my list, but I will pass the award on to others! :) Ashlee @ Capernaum Home